Civic Reserve Sports Pavilion Project

Civic Reserve Sports Pavilion Project

The redevelopment of Civic Reserve sporting fields and athletics track in Mornington includes the construction of a new pavilion to support the upgraded facilities. With a project value of $6,312,000, the design of the pavilion prioritizes energy efficiency, featuring a large 50kW solar PV system, passive design elements, and efficient hot water, heating, and cooling equipment. These measures are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by almost 90% over the building’s lifetime. Additionally, water-sensitive urban design elements will help manage stormwater, reducing pollutants and flood risks downstream.

The project also includes landscaping improvements such as a perimeter walkway and outdoor gymnasium. Despite delays caused by the principal contractor’s liquidation, works are estimated to commence on site in late February 2024. The City is working diligently to minimize the impact and ensure the project’s successful completion at 350 Dunns Road, Mornington 3936.

  • Mornington Peninsula

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